Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Dear Borough Council of Dormont,
I am writing in regard to the street sweeping schedule in Dormont, which has become so convoluted that it is almost comical. Earlier this year, we were issued a notice in the form of a car window flier advising us that street sweeping was coming. Luckily I was actually parked in Dormont at the time and received the notice, unlike all of the residents who weren't. The next month, I accidentally forgot about street sweeping on the first Tuesday and was issued a $25.00 parking ticket. Okay, fair enough. Earlier today I remembered about the street sweeps and moved my car to the other side of the street, as previously instructed. Myself and a handful of other residents on the street who did the same still received a parking ticket.
I was not informed that the procedure was changed back again to moving off the street entirely until I went to the police station absolutely confused and upset about it. I told the officer there I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out any way not to get a parking ticket simply for being a resident of Dormont who works second shift and doesn't come out of the apartment before 8:00 a.m. He informed me that they “weren't happy about it either,” and that the rules keep getting changed and that residents aren't able to keep up.
After going back later to check, the street signs have been changed again (second time in two years) back to the old/new rule of vacating the street entirely on these days. Okay, so the rule is posted. Are residents really expected to check these signs daily to see if they've changed? They look nearly identical to anyone not examining them word-for-word. Even the window flier I lucked into receiving did not mention this rule change.
I really believe this is the kind of crap that encourages people to move out of a place like Dormont. At face value, paying a nominal sum for a parking pass seems like a good deal. Little do residents know, they will be paying a hidden tax in the form of parking tickets due to these perpetually changing rules. I have lived in Dormont for three years and generally find it to be a nice neighborhood, but I really see no difference between these street sweeping tickets and a thief stealing money out of my back pocket. I intend to move out of Dormont soon, and will gladly cite this as a reason to stay out for anyone thinking of moving here. I am requesting remuneration in the form of $25.00 for your lack of sufficient notice for this rule change. You may send it to my address below.
I am writing in regard to the street sweeping schedule in Dormont, which has become so convoluted that it is almost comical. Earlier this year, we were issued a notice in the form of a car window flier advising us that street sweeping was coming. Luckily I was actually parked in Dormont at the time and received the notice, unlike all of the residents who weren't. The next month, I accidentally forgot about street sweeping on the first Tuesday and was issued a $25.00 parking ticket. Okay, fair enough. Earlier today I remembered about the street sweeps and moved my car to the other side of the street, as previously instructed. Myself and a handful of other residents on the street who did the same still received a parking ticket.
I was not informed that the procedure was changed back again to moving off the street entirely until I went to the police station absolutely confused and upset about it. I told the officer there I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out any way not to get a parking ticket simply for being a resident of Dormont who works second shift and doesn't come out of the apartment before 8:00 a.m. He informed me that they “weren't happy about it either,” and that the rules keep getting changed and that residents aren't able to keep up.
After going back later to check, the street signs have been changed again (second time in two years) back to the old/new rule of vacating the street entirely on these days. Okay, so the rule is posted. Are residents really expected to check these signs daily to see if they've changed? They look nearly identical to anyone not examining them word-for-word. Even the window flier I lucked into receiving did not mention this rule change.
I really believe this is the kind of crap that encourages people to move out of a place like Dormont. At face value, paying a nominal sum for a parking pass seems like a good deal. Little do residents know, they will be paying a hidden tax in the form of parking tickets due to these perpetually changing rules. I have lived in Dormont for three years and generally find it to be a nice neighborhood, but I really see no difference between these street sweeping tickets and a thief stealing money out of my back pocket. I intend to move out of Dormont soon, and will gladly cite this as a reason to stay out for anyone thinking of moving here. I am requesting remuneration in the form of $25.00 for your lack of sufficient notice for this rule change. You may send it to my address below.