Saturday, January 2, 2016



I am writing to discuss your Defender series case for the iPhone 6S.  There is a cheap piece of plastic tape around the button in the bottom center.  It looks like it is meant to be pealed off but apparently it isn't.  I am not sure what the reasoning was here, but at the very least, the plastic should've been on the inside of the plastic screen rather than the outside so it does not peel off due to normal use.  It is unbelievable that this crummy piece of tape is actually a part of the OtterBox, but we looked at other models and they are all the same.  Every person I showed it to said 'this doesn't look like it was made right' and tried to peel it off. You'd think something called 'Defender' would be able to withstand the normal wear and tear of fingernails touching it, but it does not.  OtterBox, get real.  You can't stick a piece of plastic tape on this thing and sell it that way.  This is a junk design and I can't believe a product like this sells for $60.  The rest of the case is great.

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