Saturday, August 20, 2016


Good afternoon,

My wife and I went in to the PetCo in Bethel Park today to attempt to adopt Marsha.  We were handed a questionnaire to fill out.  Not knowing about the ill effects of declawing a cat we put that we would prefer a declawed cat.  Afterwards we were informed by the volunteer that since we checked the box we were banned from adopting Marsha.  I told her if we had known it was bad for the cat we would definitely not declaw.  However, the volunteer said that since we checked the box, Animal Friends would turn a deaf ear to our willingness to adopt the cat and not declaw with this newfound information.  If we were allowed to speak to the volunteer about care of a cat or if we were given a chance to elaborate on the form, it would have been clear that we would have done what was in the best interests of the animal.  The volunteer was unflapped and parroted vagaries about "policy" which she didn't seem to understand.  

Animal friends, your policy stinks, or your volunteer stinks, or both.  Your process pigeonholes people into answering yes or no to questions they don't understand.  Your animals are suffering on account of it.  My wife ran out of the store crying.  I feel disappointed and tricked.

Have a great evening,


Dear RadioShack,

I bought a set of your Auvio BTCHP headphones (blue) at RadioShack in South Park Shops in Bethel Park.  The store is going out of business and all sales are final.  These headphones were about $40.  Anyway, the bluetooth stinks.  It is choppy as all get out even when I am not moving.  I am forced to plug them in, making the bluetooth feature a waste of money.  They are also not even comfortable.  I would have bought a set of wired headphones that were cheaper and comfortable but someone talked me into getting bluetooth headset.  This is a disappointment.  Please fix this by mailing me a cheap headset without heavy ear phones that hurt for people who wear glasses.  The band should go around the back of the head.